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I Could of Had A V8!

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It sounds like a wonderful reunion. I can't believe that there is an active 92 year old. God bless her. I'm glad you liked this puzzle. I wanted to show that I have versatility in my creations. When I saw that cat it was the only thing I could think of. Had to create this. Many Many hugs coming your way.


Annie, this so adorable and you did a great job, my friend. It is good to "see" you posting today. I had a really nice time Saturday and thanks for mentioning it. Every other month now for 20 years, the ladies of the family on my Mother's side and in memory of my grandmother (her Mother), meet at someone's home and we share news of the family, and have lunch. We have a treasurer, a president, a secretary, etc., and we have some kind of a "retreat" (2-3 days) somewhere once a year. My grandmother was a great seamstress (as was my Mother) and most of the ladies make quilts, sew beautiful liners for tables and wall hangings and so much more. They do this on retreats. I do not sew. :-)) All of my Mother's sisters and brothers, including my Mom, have passed on. We have one Aunt-in-law who is now 92 and she comes to the meetings with her daughter. This is what I was doing Saturday. It is a very special thing we are keeping going in memory of our sweet grandmother. Have a good day, my friend. My prayers are with your sister-in-law and you. Many hugs today, my friend.


A four cylinder has enough power for me. ;-))

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