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There will be a few plums this year.

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  1. laurajane0:16
  2. Robbos0:18
  3. Ribs0:20
  4. morris1860:23
  5. Dilubreuer0:24
  6. snooker0:25
  7. vlastenec0:25
  8. Ronan130:28
  9. Beekay0:30
  10. wjl10150:31


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I guess, but we have them in the not sure, will keep on looking for it.


Thank you, Jacki! Good idea. :) And yes, we did have some cold weather this spring.

No plums, Lunie? I'm surprised.


Guess we don't have this here...


you could take a plum, or probably even a leaf, to a good nursery for identification and to find out if you need a cross pollinator. and didn't you have some really late frost this spring? if it was fairly hard while the tree was in bloom that could explain the low fruit count.


Thank you everyone, for all your comments and tips. :)

Lindaisling-- I believe the tree is about 7-8 years old, and I don't know if it's supposed to be self-fruitful or not. It had only a few blossoms this year, and most of them are turning to fruit. We had a second tree, but it didn't make it through the winter, the winter before last.




Makes me plumb happy to see those plums. Hope you enjoy them!


it looks like a very healthy tree and old enough to give you a good crop. i would add to the info linda gave you that if a neighbor within a few blocks has plums too you probably don't need a second tree.


How old is the tree? Is it a self-fruitful variety? Do you get a lot of blooms and then a small crop of plums? If you do then it is probably not self-fruitful and needs another cultivar to make fruit well. Even if it is self-fruitful the crop will be larger if there is another plum tree that blooms at the same time as this one does within easy pollen carrying distance.


Oh boy...we're going to have plums for breakfast!

Hopefully there will be a few for you, Patti.


No, Beekay-- so far there haven't been enough plums to do that. Looks like a small crop again this year.


Do you make jam?

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