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Can You Identify These First Lady Paper Dolls? ~ Fashions By Tom Tierney

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  1. Hope70:46
  2. mefmouse0:49
  3. 808earline0:55
  4. trold551:02
  5. jeje1:03
  6. soupstoner1:03
  7. Gramz1:03
  8. Macawmom1:04
  9. Kimsewme1:05
  10. andie9831:06


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Okieclem, you're correct!


My guesses, L to R: Hillary Clinton, Nancy Reagan, Laura Bush and Michelle Obama

Left to right Hillary Clinton, Nancy Reagan, Barbara Bush, Michelle Obama

I will let my comment be just for fun! Who are they? I'd like to know. The dresses look so current yet I only recognize one. And I follow the news and am in my 60's.

Aren't they all American president's wives? Michelle Obama on the right, wearing the dress she wore in the evening at a victory party when he was elected. Is the one in blue Mrs Bush junior, the second from the left Nancy Reagan?

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