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made with one hand tied behind my back.......

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.....or more accurately- one arm in a sling. LOL
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you're welcome!







soooooooooooooooooooo tired now- and oh sooooooooooooooooooooo high!


Oh I'm so sorry to hear you're in pain, but of course you would be. Is it too early to know if the surgery worked?
My sister had both wrists done for carpal tunnel. They often do them at the same time, but she had to have her's done separately because she's deaf and wouldn't be able to talk.
Stay well ☺


the pain was pretty bad- not time for my pain meds yet. graphics are a great diversion. i did that one around 10 pm.


Hey there, so glad you're back...but it must be around 1:00 in the morning if you're on the east coast. Get yea to sleep and rest up. ☺

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