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Spring, Bornholm

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Violets, violets.....
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  1. iwalkden19630:29
  2. Robbos0:32
  3. Dilubreuer0:35
  4. BarbaraL0:39
  5. zoomzoom0:39
  6. Pekaji0:41
  7. pkin380:41
  8. aerovka0:43
  9. rat0:43
  10. Cthill0:44


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Would be awfully nice, Ardy! :D


Our violets have very little if any odor, Hanne. The leaf is also rather different. I'll see if I don't have a violet picture from last year and put it up tomorrow.


Do yours smell, Ardy? If they don't they are definitely not the same - these are Viola odorata... thanks so very much! :D

Thanks so very much Pat - and it isn't even the best... You'll see!! :D

Indeed, Lunie - thanks so very much! :D

Yours do smell too, don't they Barbara? Thanks so very much! :D

Du er SÅ velkommen - det bli'r ikke de sidste, de er svære at la' være med at fotografere og jeg jager rundt med Bent for et godt ord... dejligt at dine anemoner er kommet nu... tak, Sissel! :D


Forår - tak for disse små blå violer - nu er anemoner mv kommet - tak :D




Really colored as its name...


They're beautiful Hanne and Bent. Thank you! :-))


What a gorgeous close-up .... Thanks Hanne and Bent


Beautiful violets. They are a little different from ours. Thanks for another touch of spring. It's raining here again.

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