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Lottsa little square things...

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  1. mylos25:31
  2. jjakovcova33:03
  3. esrevell34:41
  4. Jetty2334:54
  5. simpsonss36:02
  6. tony2nd37:07
  7. LMDinHarlem43:31
  8. mila197343:42
  9. nancywilson7743:59
  10. lwasin45:53


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oh- it's the alpacas!


I'll make sure they're on their good behavior. (Just don't trust the alpacas...)


oh myyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy- i can hardly wait!
but i am looking at this big 30 years of accumulation stuff and crash down to reality!
and after the inside- THE GARAGE! who knows what lurks in the garage!!!!!!!
i will be happy to walk them anywhere they want to walk to- as long as they do not spit at me!!!!!


Are you up for walking one? They are more receptive to petting when they are on a lead. They really are unique; I think you will love them. And I know they will love you. And the lambs, of course, with their lovely long wool. Wait until you see the crimp!! And feel the alpacas.


i am so looking forward to this! i have always wanted to pet a llama.


Oh my goodness!!! You are SO invited!!! All 21 of us agree!!!


thanks elizabeth! i want to meet the critters- so unless they have a travel seat, like princess mitzie, we will have to drive to you. nothing like invitig yourself, HUH???..

we will move to coolidge- between phoeni and flagstaff.


Oh my goodness! Blessings on you!! It did make me tired just reading it. And yet... the prize is in sight. You will have your wonderful life in AZ before you know it. As for Don, please give him this friendly advice: I wouldn't cross you if I were him! LOL!!!
Oh dear friend how exciting it will be if we can manage to meet. Tell me where I need to be, or, much preferably, when you can come to meet the critters. The lambs are getting pretty big, but they are still lovey. And the rest are such fun. We can take a llama walk in the neighborhood. Wonderful!!!


poor critters! hope they can find grass.
we have been packing for weeks- mostly on the weekends- and most of the things in the house are done. i hope to finish all the things we are moving this weekend (fingers crossed). we are moving everything starting march 19th. our son has a 26' trailer- and has a friend w/ a truck large enough to pull it. we gladly accepted the help- renting a truck would have been $3600+. don and i took 2 weeks off work, so we can spend some time there. our grand daughter from CA along w/ family will spend easter with us- looking forward to that. when we get home, we need to pull up the upstairs carpeting, paint the entire house, replace the flooring, redo the parts of the yard we did not get done last year and hopefully put the house up for sale by the end of april. i hope it will sell super fast for lots of $$$$$. after that we will retire, pack up the toaster and coffeepot and move.
are you tired yet???? i am wiped out just knowing what needs to be done. don had shoulder surgery last year, and he is still not well.he keeps telling me he is too tired to do much of anything. i will have to figure out some way to motivate him. wonder if the bullwhip we bought many years ago in AZ would help. LOL
thanks for reading all this- i feel better now. glad that you are my friend. thank you!!! hope to meet you before we move!


Hi Char, our poor sheep, llamas and alpacas had to be locked in the paddock for a week for the 2 1/2 footer we had. We kept them there to make sure we could access them to feed and water them. They're back roaming the pastures now, much happier. We're supposed to get just 1 to 3 inches tonight, so they'll be fine. I doubt they like it much because it hides the grass. They like nibbling even at the depleted winter grass, although their main food source is hay.
Is the move close enough to feel real?


wonderful elizabeth! and you still finished in the top two! congratulations!!!
it looks on the map like you are having lots of show. do the critters like to go out in the snow???


Had a harder time with this one, but I still love the little square things!


thanking both of you for your kind words!


wow that was a real challenge-thank you!

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