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I love Butterflies - 3

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  1. Meadowhawk0:32
  2. loveydear0:36
  3. pato680:36
  4. like921150:37
  5. loie0:44
  6. lyndee0:46
  7. CHASTEEN0:47
  8. midfielderbrit0:48
  9. TaDah0:49
  10. alkmini0:52


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Well, 3kate11, had I known I was writing a note to a fellow ginger-haired sister, I would have added a lot more love to my comment! Three cheers for anyone with ginger or red hair! It is my identity to be sure! Keep up the great work! and thank you for sharing. 3 & 11 is young! I'm not that far behind you in years! I'm turning the big 6-0 this year and its the first time I'm realizing the clock is ticking and it ain't stopping! Cheers!

Beth & cinderfire, I really appreciate your words. I think of it as paying it foreword. I'm no different than many abuse thrivers (I refuse to think of myself as merely a survivor,, although that is the first stage in recovery) I'm really doing well on minimum meds for my PTSD. I'll be 71 in March (hence the 3 & 11 in my signature) & still have most of my natural "ginger" hair color. I have 2 wonderful little dogs who love me no matter what my mood. My husband is one of the most amazing men in the world. He was there thru yrs of therapy. We both would not know what to do w/o each other. We will celebrate our 50th anniversary in late May. & I still work part-time @ a residential treatment facility for adolescents. Most of the residents are native American. I don't hise my past. It gives me cred. w/ the kids!


Both your comments are a testimony to the fact that there are really great people out there. Thanks for every kindness you've given others.


Wow! 3kate11! That is so awesome. I am so very sorry for the abuse that anyone has to suffer. I spent almost 15 years working with a women's service club assisting women who suffered every level of abuse as well, around the world. My husband lived in his first marriage with the psychological and emotional abuse of his first wife that simply does not go away and that I must sometimes deal with. I will never understand why some people feel they must 'squash' others down but your analogy is an awe inspiring one that I had always sort of had in the back of my mind when I thought of the chrysalis. I do hope that you're ongoing recovering continues upward in a positive manner. God bless and thank you so very, very much for sharing with me. Beth 54, aka A.A. Sue

As a thriver who has experienced almost any abuse you could think of, & now a nurse with a master's degree in psychic nursing, I now pay it foreword. One of the analogies I use is the butterfly. the caterpillar is the victim (scorned, squashed, eaten, etc.), the cocoon is the healing stage (wrapped in warmth), the butterfly just emerged is the survivor (still wet wings, the learning how to fly) & finally the take off & flying free, leaving behind all former troubles, but now knowing how to succeed. There is one caveat, never try to help a caterpillar out of the cocoon--that struggle is what flushes the fluid from the body so it emerge with wings that can fly.



Excellent photo!


I do too. Nice shot Beth.

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