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  1. cobalt0:57
  2. silvakizir0:58
  3. brgos1:05
  4. hadzi1:06
  5. ValHooper1:09
  6. nela091:09
  7. makaob1:10
  8. urte1:12
  9. sasstchr1:18
  10. shteve1:18


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roerick3: Lets hope if it necessary again, he will go in his crate and behave there.
Being left alone seems to have upset him and made him quite unsure whether he can still trust you to stay......


I am sorry to hear that your doggie doesn't like you so much roerick3. What an aweful homecoming for you that must have been...LOL


That's how my dog looked today after being left alone in his crate for eight and one half hours for the first time in his life. He didn't leave me alone for five hours after---crawling up my legs, sitting on me, grabbing at my clothes with his teeth, licking my neck and ears, chewing on my hair and hanging both front paws over my shoulders and hugging me hard. It was incredible. And now he's sleeping on my feet so if I move he'll know. Poor baby!!! He's only one and hasn't been left for long periods--no need to until today.


What a great dog, my boy does the leaping dance of happiness when I come home.




: )))

love the picture, and the saying. thank you!

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