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A blonde, brunette, and a redhead!

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Taken April 16, 2016
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I love to take pictures of horses, Jackie. Thanks.

nice horses


Thank for this information, Annick. And I agree with you about barbed wire. It can really harm an animal. Ouch!!


In Denmark horses as well as cattle, sheep and even free range pigs are behind electrical fences. They are the cheapest and most effective way of keeping animals in their paddocks. In the UK they very often use barbed wire which I now think is dangerous as animals can really get hurt if they try to go through this type of fence. They also widely use wooden fencing because that has always been readily available.


That is very interesting, Canoekaw! I had no idea that the color of a horse's affected its value. When I was growing up, my favorites were palominos because of Trigger!! I never had the privilege of having a horse, though. :-(


The redheads have the bum rapp in the horse world. A very good chestnut mare may go for a lower price just because she is a chestnut mare. I prefer the bay because I rode one as a child but I really like the color of the buckskin. I ride a very good chestnut mare and now I lean toward little red mares.


haha, Dave! And the joke's always on the blonde!


A blond, brunette, and a redhead . . .walk into a bar and . . . .


I 'm with you, Valleystream. I've always enjoyed them, too.
I don't know why they want to keep the horses in, Hancheye, but maybe that's the best way to do it.

Wondering why the necessity of the electrical fence????


I so enjoy horses, to ride, to watch race and simply just to watch. Thank you for my Sunday morning fix.


I think just thirsty, Jacki. She looked at me at other times while I sat there watching.
Thanks, Irene!
At least at that time, Smllpkg.


Well, two of them were curious!


Excellent description Li.☺


The redhead seems a little shy (or maybe just thirsty). Great photo! Thanks.

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