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"A" to "Z"

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88 pieces
126 solves
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The only way I can stop it if you like it is if you're a masochist. Do you know what the sadist did to the masochist? Absolutely nothing...

You might want to check out my puzzles on Octomom2 if you haven't seen them already. My kitty Keeper died early Sunday morning.


Go on, you're just being nice to me (stop it, I like it!!!!).


I jest only if you think solving a monster puzzle is funny.... For me, the 12-piece puzzle would suffice with this type of puzzle.


OMG, surely you jest?????


Pammi, it's those sundry nanoseconds that will get you. Take care when confronting them. The hours, minutes and myriad seconds fly by without you even noticing them.

I'm glad you enjoyed this one. Now go try the larger ones!


Thanks for the great puzzle, Octomom. Just because I feel like it has taken me 12 hours, 37 minutes, myriad seconds and sundry nanoseconds to get there, I wouldn't have missed a smidgin of it.

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