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Designer Puzzle By Kathy

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Karen, will definitely check out your new puzzles. Thanks so much for letting me know.......Till later......time to take a break from the computer.......... Thanks too for doing and liking the puzzle!


Kirsten, didn't zoom but found a new pattern to use. Glad you liked it my dear ≧◠‿●‿◠≦


This was a fun puzzle to solve. I love all of the strips of colored fabrics or ribbons used. Looks like there is a blanket stitch used between the colors. I have finally created a new puzzle in two different sizes.


Great design, Kathy! It looks like you zooooooooooooomed right in on one of your plastic-y ones. I really like how it came out. Thanks!! (•‿•)


Thanks so much Edie!!! ≧◠‿●‿◠≦


Nice gold embellishments Kathy. Really fun. Thanks.

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