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Give it a Whirl! (BOARDS) - S

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  1. 2dogs7cats0:53
  2. sammiegirl0:57
  3. annefar0:58
  4. sue10:59
  5. Jejegasa1:00
  6. badcat1:01
  7. Kifus11:03
  8. cjenner71:04
  9. intro1:07
  10. almina1:09


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Cindy - I have senior moments all the time! I'm so glad you enjoyed this!

I can't believe my brain!!! I had already done the swirls and really likes it, although I much prefer the boards. I guess I had a 'senior moment.' Thanks, Jan!


Smiling at you Francine! :-D))))


Jan, I knew you weren't. And yes, it is difficult to come up with a completely new format, though I've seen some of you do it. Thanks. :-)


Francine - I am not one of those who is jealous if someone posts a similar pattern or design. After all, it is very difficult to create a completely new format. You go right ahead and don't think I will be offended. I will admire it greatly, I'm sure!
So glad you enjoyed this one, too. :))))

Cindy -
I am so happy you had fun with these.
here is the link for a 30 pc version:
I always publish them under JiggyBelle.


Jan, I've been playing with curved shapes and ended up with an image that is nothing like your boards except for the repetitive shapes having different colours/patterns. (Hadn't made one of these for quite a while.)'s similar enough to yours. Hope you don't mind my posting it.

Hi Jan ~~~ I can't seem to find the puzzle where I can see these swirls as complete swirls. Can you help? I searched, but I guess I missed them! Thanks!


You know I just love your boards! That pearl one indeed is beautiful. The last one (right) has a wonderful liquid look to it. The 2nd and 3rd ones are quite eye catching for their wonderful colour combinations. Thanks, Jan. :))


Cindy, I like that one even more when you can see the whole swirl. Thanks so much!!!

I agree with Ardy ~~~ My favorite is the next to the right with the soft luxurious "pearls" in it! A great combination! Thanks, Jan!


Ardy - it is now WHEN you solve them, but rather that you took the time to solve them that means something. Thank you so much!

Edie - Weird old me!


I see that now Jan :-))


Jan, they are beautiful. I see pearls in next to the right one. I don't usually do the BOARDS first but I'm working my way backwards from where I stopped to go work at school this morning. One of these days I'll be done there and can catch your puzzles closer to when you post them. Thanks, dear friend. I really like this.


Thank you so! I'm thrilled you think so!

Edie - I tried to make it one big eddy. Seriously! But they were NOT cooperating. Thanks.


I did but had to get out of there quick before I got sucked down into an eddy. Fun puzzle Jan. Thanks :-))


Great fun, thanks, Jan.

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