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our first significant snow this season

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Thanks, Jacques! Go inside by the fire and grab a blanket!


pretty shot patti, thanks! Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.


Thank you, Shirley, Celeste, and Ank. :)


Wow Patti, beautiful.
But I hope we have to wait months before we get it.


wow.. and so pretty


Another pretty snow scene, Thanks Patti.


Thank you, Suzy -- so glad you got some already! This should be a real winter for you this year!

Thank you, Roseheather -- I hope you will get a good amount soon!


Beautiful and pristine. I am waiting for more than the bit we got on Friday. ; )


Love it! We had about 2 inches last night...All is good!


Thank you, Pat. I do love the peacefulness.

Thanks, Chickie -- don't know what it is, but I like the look of it in winter.

Thanks, Francine! Well, we take what we get for snow, don't we? I figure that if it's going to be cold, we might as well have snow! Makes everything pretty.


Pretty, Patti. Meanly saying, better you than me!! Though we had it the previous two days.


So pretty and that red twig dogwood (or whatever it is) really stands out. Thanks PLG.


Looks so pretty. So calm and peaceful. Thanks Patti


This morning.

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