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Another Interior View

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of Joseph Christien's house
at Father Pandosy's Mission
in Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada
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Thanks Brian. Perhaps this picture is a time portal ... to help us go back in time ... temporarily! : )


A fabulous room, yes, I can see yesterdays photos. A lovely suite of table and chairs.


Thank you for your note Floyd. Yes, I agree. It's a nice old clock!


Also, the old clock in the corner looks impressive.
Thank you Cathy.


Thank you Dave. Yes, that's the tall (secretary) desk. It fits perfectly between those two windows. : )


There's the desk back there. Its really full of homy feeling. Thanks!


That's true Ank. Many people collect antiques and decorate their homes in this lovely style. I'm glad your keyboard is working again!! ♥


Lovely Cathy. I think you still can find these kinds of interiors in some houses. I know someone. I love the rug too, fits also in a modern interior. ♥


You're welcome Lorna. In the picture I posted yesterday this is the room with the two windows.


Lovely room, thanks Cathy.


Thank you for your note Laurjane. I like the rug too!


Great old room. I especially like the braided rug.

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