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Light Fabrics - large

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180 pieces
368 solves
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  1. mags1797:04
  2. justjoan8:16
  3. hnail8:31
  4. kirke718:35
  5. cal1129:11
  6. jiva9:44
  7. venus899:53
  8. eessonma9:53
  9. fabieg10:03
  10. skpy10:33


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Thanks, Rainiqui. I think I can see Christmas in a couple of them too, like the bottom left corner. :-)


Wonderful Barb ~ The colours are spring-like yet believe it or not, some brought Christmas to mind, LOL !


Thanks, Reba. It's been lovely and warm lately, perfect weather for these light fabrics. :-)


Totally pleasant ;-0

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