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Swirling :)) I

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Hello Kirsten, by now you must be well into your Sunday morning. Yesterday night I missed your comment and today I was too lazy to do anything not even entering Jigidi. :)))) So finally in my very early Sunday morning before heading off to bed I have managed enough energy to answer comments. LOL I always have been a night person and the older I get the later the nights. As you can see from the late hours I'm up I'm feeling much better again although my running nose and persistent cough remind me that I should be in bed right now. If it were any of my family I had told them off a long time ago - it's good that they are all asleep and can't see me LOL.
Thanks for dropping by and with a bit of luck and energy see you when I wake up. :)))


Oh, Dagmar! I nearly missed this! It's Saturday morning here, and I'm going out for the day, and am here for the quickest moment to pre-load my puzzles for today, and bookmark. And at first glance - I didn't recognise this puzzle as one of yours. Nor would I have expected to have found you here at this time. But now that I read the comments, I see why. I'm very sorry to hear that you have been unwell - and the family. But it's good to hear that you are starting to feel better - and I hope that your eldest daughter is feeling much better soon. It does seem that there has been an outbreak of illness on Jigidi of late. Libby, Gail and Barb - to name a few.

Thank you for this wonderful puzzle - and take care!! (•‿•)


Good evening Barb, it seems that you are the one that has to take very good care of yourself. Pneumonia is something rather serious and I was very sorry to hear from Ardy that you had to spend some days in hospital. Be very careful and take it easy over next weeks. Your awfully cold Canadian weather doesn't help a speedy recovery very much I suppose. I could offer you some days of relax in a crowded flat but in a comparatively mild Spanish winter with the first hints of spring just a frew weeks away. The almond trees usually start to blossom around the middle of February - which doesn't necessarily mean that the cold weather will be over. :)))

We are all more or less recovered by now and I hope that the rest on this weekend will do the rest so that we all can start the new working week with refreshed energy.

Thanks for your visit and take care of yourself. :))


What a lovely swirl, Dagmar! And I'm sorry to hear you've all had the flu which can certainly be nasty. Do hope you really are starting to feel better. As Ardy mentioned I've had pneumonia (I assume I still have it actually as it takes a long time to get over this viral thing) but at least they let me go home from the hospital and hopefully I'll start to feel better as the days go by. Take care of yourself and good wishes to the whole family for feeling back to normal soon. :-)


Hello Ardy, I'm sorry to hear about Barb, but I don't think that in spite of the coughs we all have nobody of us will end up with pneumonia. :)) This flu was quite a bad one but this evening it seems I won't have any more fever and I'm definitely starting to feel better. :))
Congratulations for your one millionth piece. :))) It takes a lot of time to put one million pieces all into their right place. :)) If somebody had told you two years ago that you had to put one million puzzle pieces into place you would have thought him crazy I'm sure but here you are. :)))
Thanks for coming by and I'm glad my swirling colours could brighten your afternoon.


Hello Edith, I just came back from a chuckle at your place. :)) Your guess is right we are staying here this weekend. I'm on the way to recovery but my eldest still feels rather week as she combined the flu with a severe case of tonsilitis, she will need some days more to feel well again. I hope that your weather is back to normal winter again and that you and your four and two-legged friends are doing fine. :))


I can say, "Me too." to Edie's comment. I do hope you are all recovering from that flu. Be careful. We have several cases of pneumonia - the most recent being Barb (Tigress). She got home from hospital on Wednesday. A delightful surprise to have both you and Jan posting today. I connected my one millionth piece this morning. It's been a good day. Thanks for helping make it so.


What a fun and unexpected surprise seeing you here on a Friday afternoon Dagmar. I hope the family is getting over the flu. My guess is that you're staying home this weekend or you'd already have left for the mountains. Fun pin wheel. It would be spinning here today. Thanks for bringing us some bright colours :-))))

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