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I had heard of Steinbeck's novel, Cannery Row for years. The novel written in 1945, was written about the sardine canneries during the Great Depression, that lined the shore of Monterey, California. Well, I finally got to Monterey this February. I drove down the famed Cannery Row area. The first section of these old canneries have been turned into retail shops. The area was very busy with traffic and pedestrian shoppers. As I drove down the row a little farther the congestion eased up a lot so I could take this photo through my windshield while driving.
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WVHillbillytoo, Those are my thoughts too, the "lesser of the two evils".

I can't decide whether old properties with a lot of history should be left to die of old age, or sold to the highest bidder and gentrified almost out of existence. Is one worse than the other? I'm not sure. I guess that in order to recycle and keep stuff out of the landfills, this is better. At least there's the sign and some of the old fixtures. I guess I'll vote for the gentrification, in this case. If nothing else, your photo has made me want to see 'Cannery Row' again. Just to see. You got a great shot. I'm glad you kept driving until you came across this. connie

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