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16 pieces
154 solves
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  1. Juanca28100:15
  2. jntleman0:17
  3. snooker0:17
  4. rustysnot0:18
  5. mariolyn0:18
  6. danusa0:21
  7. soupstoner0:22
  8. wjl10150:24
  9. stephen0:24
  10. sheenpeen0:25


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They were lovely tulips Ardy :-)
The shape doesn't always work out Barb but fun to see when it does. Thanks for the nice comment.
Nice of you to say so bdhabet☺
You are most welcome latifa.
I think it's cute how a few of the flowers features remain and others just completely disappear Janet. You can guess as to what might happen in the blender but you can never be sure of the results can you?


Very pretty thanks BK, I like the contrast of the circular middle to the squared outer border. Hugs ♥


NICE! Thanks Beekay!

Lovely! Thanks!


Very pretty pattern ... I like the cutout you used. Thanks, Beekay. :-)


I can see tulips here, BeeKay. Nice one. Thanks.

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  • What are the symbols on the jigsaw puzzles?

    When you browse jigsaw puzzles on Jigidi, you may notice different symbols on the puzzles. One symbol lets you bookmark the puzzle for later, and other symbols tell you about any previous activity you may have on the puzzle.