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251 - geometric

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  1. Anni236:03
  2. Camelot7:08
  3. troutmma8:34
  4. mags1799:00
  5. foxglove8610:47
  6. Missie12:07
  7. spotto12:34
  8. chrisso12:42
  9. hopschl13:36
  10. serenity14:03


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Davie, you are too kind!


I've run out of superlatives. You keep topping your past works. Thanks Jenny!



I see you couldn't pass up All Those Kitties either.


Fun puzzle, again, nuttsky. Always lots of intricate patterns and colours and always enjoyable, thank you. :))

Welcome back, dear Nutts. I may be the first to start a new puzzle, but so many zip on by. I think I enjoy the design and color more. Loved this one...


♥ ♥♥♥♥ esrevell and jiggybelle


Such an interesting puzzle, yet again!
I was reading the comments on your last one and laughed to myself at the "nuttsky lament:" we all think we're so slow at solving these and can never get on the board. I thought it was just me. But when I saw others saying the same thing I realized that it's two things: one is that the puzzles are so complex and rich that you have to commit time to solving them; the other is that they are really popular, so we are competing against a whole lot of people.
My answer to all of this was to jump on the puzzle quickly and get my name on there, however fleetingly. LOL!
Thank you so much for your wonderful puzzles!


Another very fun puzzle. Thanks!

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    Sometimes we come across a fantastic puzzle or interesting comments and think of a friend who would appreciate sharing our experience. Here is how you invite a friend to a jigsaw puzzle on Jigidi ☺