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Tyr - Really? Did you have to?

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  1. Lynetteoz5:14
  2. Impie5:31
  3. foxy625:58
  4. essendonbendigo7:22
  5. Kayella517:30
  6. joan427:54
  7. JoCaVe8:01
  8. reflections8:06
  9. Raydabk8:21
  10. brycee9:26


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Lynetteoz, this is Freya's usual reaction to a camera... ☺

Goofie, it feels like it's under my nose right now! My personal space is a little bigger than everyone else's since I'm such a little kitty! ~ Tyr xxx

Aunty soo, I'm glad it was worth it for you but I really, really don't like getting my picture taken! ~ Tyr x


Hello beautiful, I have missed you ♥ It is so nice to see your sweet little face. Love Aunty soo xx


Hi Tyr come off mildy.....the other day my mum put the camera right under my nose :( ~Goofie xx

Sweet picture of Tyr catslave☺♥


I didn't notice Freya until I had completed the puzzle!! Both cats looking gorgeous as usual :-)

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