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Spectrum 1

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176 pieces
26 solves
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Collage 6" x 8.5" , magazine clippings and bar codes from ad coupons
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  1. cal11224:31
  2. dkektk25:59
  3. alexa634543:00
  4. marys46:04
  5. redheadfrhell53:24
  6. gailya70b1:18:14
  7. dmackeartlady1:45:48
  8. RAGS2:13:55


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Hi Rags. I always thought that the top 10 times showed on the Leaderboard no matter what the times were. Right now there are 23 solves but I only see 5 in the Leaderboard. So I have no idea why or what is going on.

Solution required chamomile tea. Thank you anyway.
How does one get on the Leaderboard with such a slow time?
Does that mean that all the other 18 solutions took longer?

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