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New Year's Resolutions - 1

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Me too, I am with Ank, Rob and Morris, never make them!


I agree with Ank and rob!!


I'm with Ank on this one!! Never make them - so never break them!!


He mentioned something about ending his resolutions on Jan 2, I think.


PG resolved to be kind last year. We know how long that lasted!


Great! I guess we will have to add another sticky note, then, Jack.


Actually there's six of these that I could work on..........but probably won't!


Since failure is never an option I make resolutions every year with one caveat. I will try so by Jan 2nd I have tried and that takes care of that for that year. Jack never worry about money the bank has plenty.


now let me tell you something!!!
i'm always organized,
i help others about my whole life,
everyday i learn something new,
i never have a debt,
i exercize 3times a week,
i stop smoking 20 years ago,
this year i loose 12 Kilo weight,
i drink verry little,
i enjoy my life every day and i see my family 2times a week!!!
so my top resolution for 2013 is MAKE MORE MONEY!


I don't make them, either, Ank. I just thought it was a fun and colorful theme for the day. I'm with all of you....Brie, dlt and Ank!


Even that I don't do. I just never made them, so how can I stop? lol


I'm with you, Brie 1648


My NY Resolution is to stop making resolutions!

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