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if fern no other reason than it's spring...

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I love love woodland fern, even in the Fall, patti!
Nice photo.


we have tons of them too, patti. the most common one we have is the least attractive. i leave some bordering some of my beds, and have to cut the old ones every year. beautiful shot though. thanks.


Thank you Lunie!


Lots of detail...nice photo Patti!


Thank you Dave. I always love the birch. :)

Thank you Roseheather -- glad you liked this one.

Thank you Snooker, COden, and Rettch. :) Glad you enjoyed the title. :)


Great picture, Great pun! Thanks PLG--my laugh for the day.


Lovely, greens, greys, and shapes. TY


Nice little play on words, good job.

Great caption and great photo.


Great photo Patti with the birch there, as well.


Thanks, Oddio. Too bad they're intrusive. I love them when they're green. Not quite as gorgeous in the fall when they turn yellow/brown.


They sure add a special touch, don't they. Very nice in my neighbor's flower bed, but they creep into my yard without permission. ☺

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