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Twisted Thought Bubbles Thinking Hard!

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Yes! LOL!!!


This is terrific. Remember those roadrunner cartoons where he was running so fast you couldn't see his feet?? Well that's what this looks like.


Thanks, Katie, PJ, Ardy, and Jan--I'll try to stop the whining (about the snow blower) I was doing on the other puzzle and say something normal.

Okay, I'm concentrating really hard..................


It's not helping. Darn! Ah, well--maybe this puzzle actually fits my mental state right now, down to the ruptured brain cells! LOL! Anyway, I'm glad you all enjoyed it! Thanks, everyone! :-)))


This is a wonderful puzzle. So innovative and colorful.....and it's a kind of a swirl! LOVE it, Pat!


They thought so hard brain cells ruptured. What now?


Cute and fun, Pat - so this is what it looks like inside my head from time to time :-))) At least it filled with very nice colors!!


All this hard thinking is making my thoughts start to swirl! Thanks Pat!

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