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Dirds of the swamp.

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Igret that I didn't push "commnet" when i left one last night.
A fine picture.


Thank you Celeste.
Healer this guy is a ham not a bird.
Shaniqua I believe you are a few feathers short on this one.
Thank you Patti.
Good eyes Pat.


Nice picture PG :)


Living on Grand Lake, I see these guys all the time, but this shot, is exceptional!


Oh, I LOVE this one, PG! Thank you!


Gee I didn't know the photographer was that good looking. But then you couldn't prove it by me by cause I have never seen him. I did see the duck PG that's why I said it was awesome.


Plumpy that could be if we consider the color.
Thank you Ank on the bird is always in the water and some of the time gets completely wet.
Hi mate your eyes are very good.


Any relation to Tirds of dry land?


A beauty PG, do you mean he needs a good bath?


A gorgeous shot PG and I see the quacker!! Thanks.


There have been a pair-pare-pear of ducks on that mound for a few years now so it is squatters rights Ms YG.

Such an elegant birdie, and yes, I see the duck. Did he tell you it was his mound (just curious)??


I was wondering if it was going to let the Egret stay there because that is the ducks mound to sit on but nothing happened.


Oh Did you see it when you snapped it, or not until you looked on the computer?


He just stands there and looks beautiful just like the photographer.
Thank you ladies and can you find the duck?


Awesome thanks PG ...


Wow! My fave!

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