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ball- 80

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80 pieces
429 solves
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  1. ttrista2:47
  2. JSutt2:58
  3. BubbaLoo603:12
  4. hnail3:25
  5. Denali20133:39
  6. Bididi3:40
  7. Benazir3:57
  8. MomDoc_993:58
  9. Snarisley4:10
  10. teegee4:16


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Thanks Ann, that is such a fine comment! Have a fine day, ♫☀♥☺

Wow, Willy! You've created an engineer's spec for a football with pockets. And I like it! :0)


Thanks so much Eva, I am happy for your fun pleasure time lol,♫☀♥☺


Thanks so much Gail. The little one is the most difficult to complete, really!♫☀♥☺


Wow, what a great puzzle, Willy. I didn't have any idea how to put this together, or where to even start. It wasn't until I was finished that I said, "Aha, that's how it goes"! Thanks.


Thanks so much Sandi. You see, almost same speed! As usual LOL.
Have a fine weekend, ♫☀♥☺


What a wonderful combination, Willy! This was really a fun solve. I thank you very much and hope you get some sunshine for your bike trip. Enjoy your day.

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