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Alyssa and the flower store

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63 pieces
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  1. Redneck012:34
  2. muheghan3:09
  3. era43:25
  4. nams1133:35
  5. moimimi3:35
  6. jynxie934:01
  7. Archiebone4:04
  8. Jigssup4:23
  9. janibacsi4:26


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Yes, We have 4 grandchildren and one on the way. My son has the two little girls and my daughter has two boys. Kimberly and her husband have Joshua who is 15 and Noah who is going to be 10 in a few days. Andy and his wife have two daughters, Alyssa who will be 5 in a few days, and Melanie who is 3. They are expecting a baby boy in August. We love them so much...they are our gifts from God. Thank you so much!


what a beautiufl little angel. is she yours?

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