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Yes, you're right :-)


I thought it was Typhoid but maybe its the same?


It's true, Bentley. Her life in the camp is merely a speculation. Her disease (dysenteria) may be true.


It may be a biography by this person. New books keep coming out about Anne, even new films.
But nobody knows for sure what happened after the attic.


I know how to play chess, Squishy, but I'm not very good at it :-(
The Diary of Anne Frank is in my personal library, Sissel. I have read it. Never heard of 'Roses on Earth' :-(


My garden at this time of the year and has just read a very good book by Carol Ann Lee - Roses on earth - a biografi about Anne Franck. Has taken me a week but I love reading good books :-))))


I play chess. I have a keen, strategic mind you see... ;-}}}


Good morning, Sissel... No chess and no kickboxing? How do you fill your days then? :-)
Not even thinking about challenging him, Bent :-)


Good one star, don't you do this with your new PC:-))Good quote:-)))


Goodmorning Starlord - dont play chess and dont kickbox - have a nice day :-)))))

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