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the Ploughman Inn Dearham

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this pub is at the top of our village they do a lovely Sunday carvery
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  1. Albert523:21
  2. Menelaus3:41
  3. sjh634:00
  4. cakes19474:11
  5. linedancer4:19
  6. jb364:29
  7. Patricia5004:30
  8. _k8_4:40
  9. ebkrueg4:46
  10. classicfish5:02


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all the difference in the world, A Freehouse is owned by the people who live there otherwise it is owned by a brewery and they just manage it. If they get the sack or become redundant they are out of a job and a home all at once. Our pub was a free house, wouldn't have worked for a brewery


Hi June, what is the significance of it being a 'Free hotel'?


no it's too close to home. I used to be in the pubquiz team there a few years ago


Do you ever go here on your Thursday outings?


the people who are in here at the moment owned the restaurant we used to go to in Cockermouth, he is a very good chef


It does look like a nice place and I like the building. Glad you can get good foods here. I see Noggin peering out. Thanks again June!! :)))
(time, 4:11)

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