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Max and Micinka - royal comfort

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Thank you Lynn, Petsmom and Janet. Janet I think all cats are very urious, and and they want to explore everything, I think that your cats would loved snow, pity that they do not know it. Hugs and love to all of you ♥☺♥

Dáši, já kočky ani pejsky netluču, ani plácačkou na mouchy ☺♥☺


How wonderful to see dear Mici too, and what a cute photo. I can't imagine that Miffie and Molly would ever go outside if we had snow, but then Molly might, she hates being shut in at night but we keep them both in until it's daybreak. Thanks and may hugs dear Jana. ♥♥♥


Tak ta lepačka není na Maxe a Micinku, to jsem ráda. Oběma posílám pohlazení.


They're so cute. All warm and snuggly. Thanks for sharing them with us, Jana.


Very sweet - they are home staying warm.


Dear Ank, thankyou very much, you are absolutely right, our cats have a very bad and hard life ☺☺☺
I hope you are feeling most better. Hugs and love from all at DL Castle. Many nice cuddles to bella too ♥♥♥

Dobruško, ona se tu ještě sem tam nějaká ta lítající potvora nejde,lezou z toho dřeva, kterým topíme.Opatruj sea kočičáky pomuchluj za mě ♥♥♥

Thank s lot dear Lorna sometime I would like be my own cat or dog☺Hugs dear friend and many of caress and cuddles to Tana and George ♥♥♥

Hi dear Nev Micinka finally wiser, yes ishe is older and inside is warm. Now she is a whole day out there somewhere, even if it's freezing. In the evening when it gets dark she comes home and sleeps until daylight. Max is just the opposite. He sleeps all day and inside when it gets dark, he goes out. When freezes he comes home around midnight and then either sleeping in my bed near my legs or in my chair. Best wishes and many hugs to you Marge and Barrry. Something had gone wrong, the heat from you yet not arrived. ☺ Special royal greetings from Max nd Micinka too ♥♥♥


They certainly have the life of luxury! :)))


To víš chlapče, že mrzne. Ale zima teprve začala. A kohopak plácáte tou plácačkou? Teď přece mouchy nelítají!


O boy, what a bad life do that cats have. ☺☺☺
Lovely Janinka. ♥♥♥

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