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Wedding #1.....First Guests Arrive........

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Today witnessed the arrival in Bonga-Bonga of the mother of the bride-to-be........'Old Ma' Adonisette
lives in Japan, and is suffering from the delusion that she is Japanese, though she has only lived there during the past seven months.....
It was for that reason that Kaleidoboy and myself dressed accordingly, in order to welcome the lady in style......(she thinks that the wedding is taking place in Tokyo).......
After dropping Old Ma off at the prestigious Hotel Hippolytus, I rushed home to change into my normal clothes, as I was getting a little cold 'down below'........
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There are head colds and there are chest colds, but "colds down below" are definitely the worst. If the wedding hustle-bustle doesn't kill you lela, or turn your cold down below into pneumonia down below, I recommend a leisurely course of warm soup, aspirin and bed rest (coupled with complete abstention) until you feel ALL BETTER. You'll know you feel ALL BETTER when you can't stand the abstention any more!


Very shapely shapes - the kimono is kinda cool too!


I saw you coming in the street, it was heartbreakingly touching!! See you soon......!!


Hellooee all!
I was attired appropriately for the this case, fooling 'Old Ma' into thinking we were in Japan.......when we dropped her off, she tipped us, so the ruse must have worked......
double-batter and have both dressed very elegantly for the occasion!......

jignut wear tighty whities?.... I thought you were a boxers kinda guy.


And I thought I was going to be late for the Wedding. We (DoubleDisco and I) are attired (appropriately) for the Wedding! Gee Lelabug, you must be from "down under"!! Dare I sing it? Must I sing it? Oh why not, I shall sing it: Laa laa laa laa laaaaaa "I see London, I see France, I see Lela's underandoverpants"


Yes, definitely put your pants on!!! I think that would be fun being carried around like "Old Ma"!!! Thanks Lela! :))))
(time, 2:08)

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