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Flowers or Stars

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  1. Franc1:44
  2. mommaj0571:56
  3. life22:26
  4. w84itslywbt2:30
  5. chivee7262:46
  6. kirke712:49
  7. Kathy232:49
  8. heatherj3:02
  9. kirstenswerts3:05
  10. makie143:25


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Jan, happy to hear you had fun with this. :-)


Barb - these colorful, lovely little stars are beautiful. It was such a fun puzzle to solve. Thanks so much!


I download a small pic of the puzzle to my desktop so I can see it as I'm solving the puzzle. Otherwise I would have a heck of a time trying to do many of the puzzles that are posted. I wonder if you can do that too? Hope you enjoy the rest of your afternoon, Ardy. May bump into you on some other puzzles. :-)


It's like a patchwork quilt, Barb. Someday I may learn to take a good look at the puzzle before I start. Then I would have known there were two greens and two pinkish-purple ones. I finally pulled those pieces together and told them to find their partners and they did. They were very well behaved puzzle pieces. The stars look crocheted. It makes a really fun puzzle. Thanks. Have a good afternoon and evening. See you tomorrow.

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