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First time on a plane

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My husband had talked to a fellow Palouse country farmer on m,y first commercial flight. We sat so long in Spokane, waiting for a part, that this friend went out and got us tickets on another flight out of we were going to miss our flight! Unbeknownst to us, he got 3 seats in the best section, where we had linen tablecloths, silverware, even a different menu than the others.
very comfortable in our overstuffed recliners! The trip was a little rough but it didn't bother us as our country roads were similar! We waited for them when we got off the plane and found out they had sat in tail section! He did this because it was my first commercial flight! Unfortunately, we have not seen him since.


Crying babies aren't nearly as bad as children in the seat behind you kicking the seat.

Trust me on this, I used to travel for a living...and often enough that the people who worked at the checking counter greeted me by name before I handed them my ID.


Ha! Very clever idea! Thanks for the grin, TIME4ME!!

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