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10* Happy Birthday Pat

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Love it .... Love all the comments thanks .. Michelle ..Nicky .. Magicfingers ... Patsquire ... Thank you All


From one Pat to another, Happy Birthday To Yooooouuuuuuuuuuuu................


Hope your day is just Magic .... woo hoo


Yes Pat, if I were there we would most certainly be celebrating in style, LoL ...
Bubbles Michelle - but of course, champagne bubbles - are there any other kind ..... :)))
Hi Nic :o)


Cheers, Pat! Have a good one!


Another set of Birthday wishes coming your way, Pat! These ones are floating on bubbles of Champagne, methinks! Keep smiling! ☺☺♥

Yet another decadent treat, LadyC. You DO know how to party in style!! ☺


Thank you LadyC if you were here we would celebrate in style. Love ya Pat


Pat, a very happy birthday and many happy returns .... enjoy .... Lady C xxx

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