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A Nice Place to Sit

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Now that IS a wonderful place to sit! What a gorgeous chair.


Thanks Floyd.


Great find and series.


Lunie, I don't know anything about Loreley. I do know that there is a rock called Loreley in Germany which is where Mr. Sneipp came from. And, the mansion was called Die Loreley at one time. I don't know the connection. Maybe you can shine some light on it.


I will post Loreley Rock tomorrow lyndee... A very popular myth, isn't she?


That sounds good Gracie.
Thanks niccoli. In a couple days or so. I have a beautiful doll house to post for you which is in this mansion.


A wonderful seat!


Very lovely place to sit and wait for dinner time!


It has the name Loreley on it which was a cover over the broiler on a boat that they had. The name Loreley was also connected with one of the women in the family.


Won't have to call the "sitters" in twice if that's the dinner bell!

Looks like some sort of lettering on it.


Is that a bell on the wall to call everyone in to dinner?

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